About Myself

My name is James and I am a software engineer/systems engineer that spent a great deal of time as an IT professional and as a web application designer. I wrote code on my first machine at the age of 12 on my Father's beloved TRS-80 Model II, which sported a monochrome display and dual 8 inch Floppies (yes, 8 inch floppy drives really did exist).

I owe it to my Father for giving me the chance to grow up with writing code and learning how machines work. We were not wealthy people, so I really appreciated anything that my Father gave me. He was very supportive. I also give thanks to my Aunt and Uncle... later on when I moved on to the TRS-80 Color Computer, they never gave me any grief about staying up all night writing code for my home-brew video games.

Here at my site, you can find articles and my ramblings regarding programming. Hopefully I can pass on useful information. I should have started writing about such things long ago... but better late than never. Eventually there will be a fair amount of content.